Book Type | Soft Cover, PDF |
SOLE SURVIVORS is a story of superhero children who go through everyday struggles while battling chronic health conditions (Cancer, Autism, Diabetes, etc.). The story takes place in a distant world named GALAXY 3. The planets in GALAXY 3 are not flourishing as they once were. There is air pollution on planet LODI, energy shortages on planet KINESIS, and water pollution on planet DELTAS. These planets need healing! The only remaining planet thriving is planet NIRI. One special summer, the children travel to attend a retreat at Camp HEALY, also known as THE CENTER OF HOPE. During their retreat, they learn to train their minds and powers to face their daily struggles. Together, the children utilize and apply their powers to heal the planets and become the SOLE SURVIVORS, the superheroes of GALAXY 3. SOLE SURVIVORS reimagines what superpowers are and defines these powers as having a healthy mindset, challenging the narrative, showing resilience, building confidence, committing to optimism, and—most of all—overcoming the challenge in front of them.
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